Social Care and Activities

All residents are encouraged to lead as active a lifestyle as possible. At Beechwood House there is a very extensive choice of daily activities to suit all tastes and interests. Stimulating mind and body is key to helping everyone enjoy an improved quality of life with enjoyable activities to look forward to. We encourage and support our residents to continue previous hobbies and interests they have often enjoyed.

Loving later Life

Our residents very much enjoy the many interactive events in the home from vintage garden parties, mock weddings, gospel choir concerts, residents outings, to Christmas fun and festivities.

Gospel Choir visit Beechwood House Nursing Home
Prayer Room
Resident Chaplain

At Beechwood our local Priest and Canon Duhig call regularly tending to resident’s parochial needs including Weekly Mass and evening Rosary. Mass from surrounding Parish Churches is also available live to main sitting rooms seven days a week. Newcastle West’s Church of the Immaculate Conception is a short quarter mile walk from Beechwood House for those wishing to venture into town.

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